Originating in the jazz clubs of Washington, DC, the Fred Hughes Trio has been performing,
recording and presenting clinics and workshops since 1989 and brings over three decades
of musical experience to the stage. With Fred Hughes on piano, the group has included
bassists Tom Williams, Steve Zerlin, Max Murray, Jeff Lopez, Keith Mohler and Amy Shook.
Drummers have included Keith Killgo, Keith MacMichael, Jay Williams, Eric Valentine and
Frank Russo.
A sampling of the groups performing credentials includes the Elkhart, Rehoboth, Cape
May, East Coast, Clifford Brown and Mid-Atlantic Jazz Festivals, the 1996 Summer Olympics
and tours to the Republic of Korea in 2001 and 2002.
The Trio has shared the stage with such artists as Claudio Roditi, Jon Fedchock, Warren
Vache and Larry Coryell and the groups recordings include Out Of The Blue (1996), Live!
(1998), No Turning Back (2001), New Day Dawning (2006), In The Mist (2012), Love Letters
(2015), I'll Be Home For Christmas (2015) and Matrix (2016) as well as the DVD, In Concert
(2002), released in the Republic of Korea.
The current trio includes bassist Steve Meashey and drummer Dan Monaghan.